Annual Dinner 2016
Valentines for Victims 2016

Dedication at Brody Middle School
Victim's Rights Ceremony at Fort Des Moines
Foundation Dinner at Gino's West 4-14-11
Easter Baskets
20 Easter Baskets were made by the Dowling Catholic VIP Group (Volunteer Initiative Program) with donations by the Fleur Drive Hy-Vee. These were given to the Polk County Crisis & Advocacy Children's Art Therapy Program. This program is for kids 5-18 who were involved in or witnessed a violent crime.
Victim's Rights Week
The Ken Eaton Foundation was at the Iowa State Capitol for the signing of The Victim's Right's Week Proclamation. Here are photos of Governor Branstad’s signing of the Victim’s Rights Week Proclamation.
Victims Rights Week 2011
» Jennifer speaking at the Victims Rights Ceremony at Fort Des Moines
I wanted to take this opportunity to share with everyone the phenomenal opportunity we had to reach out to our community during National Victim's Right's Week 2011.
It began on Wednesday April 13th, with a beautiful ceremony hosted by the Fifth Judicial District Department of Corrections at the Fort Des Moines complex. There were over 150 people in attendance and on what I would call one of the most beautiful days I have seen in Iowa in a long time. I had an opportunity to address those in attendance along with Kevin Cooney from KCCI and Adrianna Flores from L.U.N.A. My son Louie had the great pleasure of releasing the balloons to "heaven". It was a moving and emotional day for me and all those who shared in the ceremony.
Thursday April 14th, the Iowa Organization for Victim Assistance had an emotional, informative, and moving program at the Wallace Building across from our State Capital. One of my dear new friends Kirby White spoke of his BEAUTIFUL daughter Elizabeth, who was taken from her family and all of us, by a drunk driver in 2007. Two awards were given out to the Aplington-Parkersburg School counselor and the Police Chief/City Administrator. It was another BEAUTIFUL day celebrating the lives of our loved ones and those who have been affected by crime.
In the afternoon of the 14th, everyone came together at the Capital for a signing of the Victim's Right's Week Proclamation signed by Governor Terry Brandstad and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds. My son Vinnie stood next to Governor Branstad as he read and signed the proclamation.
The 1st Annual Ken Eaton Foundation Dinner at Gino's West Glen was a huge success!! I cannot THANK everyone enough for coming and showing your support for victims. We had 96 people in attendance and raised $2400.00 to be used for scholarships and outreaches for the coming year to help ALL victims of crime. The event was AMAZING, TOTALLY AMAZING. GOD is so GOOD :)
A VERY special "THANK-YOU" goes out to Billy and Christie McFall, Jenny and Carlo Walton, and the rest of the FABULOUS staff of Gino's West !!!! You ALL gave us a WONDERFUL evening. I would also like to say a special "THANK-YOU" to our very own Willie Farrell. Willie, "THANK-YOU" for sharing how my dad has touched you life to all of us. Christel, YOUR art work is AMAZING, "THANK-YOU" for allowing me to use it. "THANK-YOU" to Gino's, Angelo's Pizza, Dr. Rico Bertagnolli, Mrs. Breck from Dowling, The Science Center, and the Latin King. For your donations as well, if I forgot someone I apologize and I thank-you VERY much.
Friday April 15th, I visited DMACC in Ankeny for the unveiling of a most heartbreaking piece of art work dedicated to the adult victim's of childhood sexual abuse. Those are some VERY strong men and women. I reconnected with a very good friend of mine whom I had lost touch with, again GOD is so good. THANK-YOU.
On Saturday April 16th, was the 5k for 5 charities run/walk at Raccoon River Park. Oh my goodness, it was VERY cold out for those who came to walk or run!!! It was a great turn out given the weather was not in our favor. A very good friend of mine's son took 3rd place for the 13-19 year old division and Joe is only 9, way to go Joe!!! My daughter Jules also took 3rd place in the 13-19 year old division, way to go, my BEAUTIFUL Jules !!!!!! To Carly, Mary, Nikki, Enrique, Arena, and to the others whom I have forgotten, "THANK-YOU" for everything you have done.
At that point I felt like is the week over yet? We had one more event to honor the victims. We held our 1st Annual Ride for Restoration. We had about 15 people who came out for the ride. A VERY special "THANK-YOU" to one of my new friends, Angela, for putting this event together in a short period of time. Way to go girl!!! I would also like to say "THANK-YOU" to my sister-in-law Vicki for passing the word for us, for supporting us, and having faith in us. We raised $210.00 with the ride.
I would also like to say a special "THANK-YOU" to my husband, Rico, my 5 BEAUTIFUL gifts from GOD. Jules, Kassie, Hillary, Franny, Sammi, Makayla, and Jaden "THANK-YOU" for helping me with this night. To my best friend Lis, "THANK-YOU" with out you this wouldn't be happening. :)
That about sums up the week of National Victim's Right's Week 2011.
Remember that crime can touch us ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, to ANYONE, NO ONE is immune to NOT being affected.
I THANK ALL of you who work with, support, help, educate, and dedicate your selves to victims, and for making OUR world a better place for ALL of us.
- Jen
If you would like to make a contribution:
please make Checks Payable to the The Ken Eaton Foundation, and send to the address below.
Thank you in advance for your support! May God Bless all of you!
Jennifer Eaton-Bertagnolli
Victims Advocate Speaker
email me
Ken Eaton Foundation
"Healing Hearts and Opening Minds"
921 E. 23rd St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50317